Bird Watching

More than 870 species of birds are found in Nepal

Nepal is, in fact, a paradise for the bird watchers. All the National parks of Nepal, particularly, the Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve in the eastern Terai (Indian plain) is very special. More than 870 species of birds have been recorded in Nepal. Interestingly, a large number of these birds can be spotted in and around the Kathmandu Valley alone. The green hills around the valley like Nagarjun, Godavari and Phulchowki have been found favorable bird watching spots. Besides, the Taudaha Lake on the way to Dakshinkali is famous for watching migratory water birds particularly (brahmi ducks) during the winter months.

Surprisingly, our Chitwan National Park alone promises more than 450 different species of birds which is more than the number of bird species found in the USA as a whole. However, Koshi Tappu has unbelievably a better sighting of a good variety of both resident and migratory birds that come from as far away as Siberia. The higher you go to the Himalayan regions, you will encounter numerous species of birds of prey as well.

Nepal’s national bird is the lophophorous pheasant locally called Danphe which is found in the Himalayan region.

For the details on the bird watching trips to Nepal, please write to us. You will be fascinated with our quality information and services.